Programs at CMCCS

What Our Charter School Offers
We strive to offer our students the best learning and developmental environment possible.
A rigorous, standards-aligned, data-informed academic program, teachers will draw heavily on the materials and resources of EngageNY. Teachers and instructional staff will work individually and collaboratively in professional learning communities to analyze a variety of student data, identify desired student results, determine what evidence will demonstrate achievement of desired results and implement appropriate learning experiences and instruction. Data will be collected and assessed by the Principal and all teachers throughout each year to gauge student growth and progress and to tailor instruction to address specific gaps and needs.


A trauma informed approach to education through the use of the Sanctuary Model, an evidence-based model designed to help organizations address the impacts of trauma that cultivates a trauma sensitive environment in which at-risk youth can maximize their potential to learn, heal and grow. The charter school will use this model to help create a safe, supportive, and therapeutic environment for students and the staff who work with them. Through a “whole school” integration of the Sanctuary Model, CMCCS will help students overcome the effects of trauma and will address the social-emotional and related barriers that can prevent students from engaging meaningfully in school.


Services are offered for students to support their healthy growth and development, build their resilience and capacity to cope effectively with challenges in school and life, and bolster their academic performance. Integrating such supportive services into the school’s program design helps students address social, emotional, developmental, family, and trauma-related issues that can impact their academic performance and success in school.